
apkfreedom.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or in any way associated with Netflix or any of its affiliates. The content provided on this website, including modified APKs for the Netflix app, is intended solely for personal use and for users facing compatibility or access issues with the official Netflix app.

By using this website and downloading any files, you agree that you will not attempt to bypass Netflix’s official subscription or services and will comply with all applicable laws and terms of service. The APKs provided here are not intended for illegal activities such as bypassing paywalls or distributing pirated content.

We are not responsible for any misuse of the content provided on this site. Please ensure you are using the APKs within the legal framework of your country and in compliance with all relevant terms and conditions set by Netflix and other app providers.

Important Note: This site includes external links to Netflix’s official website for your convenience. These links are provided for informational purposes only and do not indicate any official relationship with Netflix.